Tips to Cat-Proof Your House

Hello I am Emily Wilks a licensed veterinarian from Ringwood Animal Hospital in New Jersey. Today I would like to go over some tips of how to cat proof your home for safety.

Cats are curious creatures by nature which can sometimes get them into trouble. Not all cats would find themselves in these scenarios but it is good to be aware of the potential dangers in your home. Cats love to play with string and small toys but if ingested these objects can get stuck in the GI tract and need to be surgically removed.

Be sure to keep any type of strings, sewing supplies, dental floss, twist ties, hair ties, rubber bands, or small toys that can be swallowed, out of reach of your cat. Some cats like to chew on objects, like electrical cords and ear buds that can be choking and electrocution hazards. Keep cords hidden or even try taping them down if your cat is a chewer. There are also bitter sprays for cats that can be applied to electrical cords to discourage your cats from chewing them. Many household plants are toxic to cats, especially lilies, tulips, seko palms, point setters, and mistletoe. If you like to keep plants in your home, check the aspca website for a complete list of plants that are toxic to cats. It is extremely important to make sure that your cat does not have access to medications, chemicals, cleaning supplies, and trash cans in your homes.

These objects should be kept in a closed cabinet or closet that your cat can not get into. If you have a very nosy cat you may want to consider child proof locks to keep them out. Acetaminophen or more commonly known as Trivinyl is another medication you should be especially careful around cats since it is very poisonous if ingested. Mothballs are also very toxic to cats if ingested or even sniffed, and should be kept in a closed air tight container out of reach of your cats and also love to crawl up in small hidden spaces.

Carefully check closets, cabinets, and drawers before closing them, and specially check washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers before starting them. If you have a kitten, make sure to keep toilet seats covered to prevent him or her from falling in and potentially drowning. It’s a good idea to keep your kitten in a small kitten seat room when first bring him or home, and then gradually allowing more access to the house. But be sure to keep a close eye on your kitten as they began more and more of the home. Some good resources for more information about keeping your cats safe and happy at home include the pet poison hotline, the osu indoor pet initiative, and of course your veterinarian. Also, make sure to provide them with the best healthcare products for cats to ensure good health.